okie im here to blog bout my bdae!!really really a big big thankew to every single one of you who remembered my bdae and wished me and showered me wif lots of love(: i had one of the best bdaes this yr, and it's all bcos of you, you, you, you, you!!!!:D esp char and xf, tht bdae surprise was special!! thx for the special effort! and the cake was delicious, tho i din bear to cut it as first cos it was so pretty.but i took lots of pics b4 i cut it!!:D

and to qh oso, for tht really special video.thx for all the effort!!!it's really precious to me(:
and everyone who spent my bdae wif me,who smsed me bdae wishes filled wif luv,who sent me bdae emails, who wished me online, who wished me on facebook, all ur lovely gifts, for juz remembering!!:D luvyall!!<3
i bit my lip at the same spot for a grand total of 7 times over 2 mealsXD ok random.
yayy im gg to be 17 in approximately 8 hrs and 20 min.
ok yall can tell im really bored.
yayy im back from vietnam((: i guess it was a great experience, i had great teammates, i think we totally rocked, the villagers there rocked too, they were so nice, so genuinely sincere and caring.the children were awesome, i guess sometimes a simple life may not be a bad thing after all. the children were so cute la.i learnt loads of stuff from them. i went there expecting to teach them, but in the end i think i brought back more than i could ever ask for.except for the freezing weather,cold water, and the fact that i missed home so much, everything else was awesome(:
we painted murals there, and i thot we did a really great job.the murals looked really pretty!!

oh the last one there rite, the one with sunflowers, it looks so pretty rite, like some sunshine house, but it's actually a really rundown toilet, the type tht has only a hole in the ground. cnt tell rite? :D
oh and these are some of my favourite kids <333333
this is ching.she's my no 1 fav.she's super chio and cute!!!!!

this is chum, ching's bro.he's quite flirt and poser.hahaXD

this is yumin's handsome boy, kien.i think he's gd looking too!!

this is herm.she cried for me when i was leaving on the last day):

the little gal is phuong.she's a little rascal la!but she's really cute when she's nt doing evil things.she pulled down one of my guy teammates pants!!!!!!her mission is like to pull down all the pants of the guys in my teamXD
the little guy is hwee.he doesnt tok much, but he's super cute too!!

this is nam, yumin's fav boy.i think he's super shuai!!

this is mafia boy.dun you think he looks like a mafia boss?haha;D

this is ming.he calls all the gals 'biao', which means fat to get their attention, then when we turn our attention to him then he will change to 'kon biao' which means nt fat.then he will keep saying beautiful beautiful.haha:D

finally this is hom.he's the fat guy i see in the village!!haha, cos everyone in the village seems to be really thin and small for their age, but he's the only fat one.haha.but he's super nice.when my fren's hands were freezing then he held her hands juz to keep them warm!!so nice!!

oh and we din juz work the whole of the 2 wks. we went out for some look see and fun in the village too.we went to visit the tea plantations there(:

the scenery is juz the best(:
yep, so this was a great learning experience, i had fun, i learnt values, i learnt vietnamese. and of cos nt forgetting these ppl who made this trip all the more enjoyable!
my mosquito net partner cum roommate:D

my room 1 mates(:

my group 3 mates(: