Wednesday, November 28, 2007
came back frm chalet wif hws gals ytd, like passed v fast.. feeling bored again XD
yayy, about the chalet, we met on mon morn at 1030.. supposedly. haha:D everyone was late, except ME and qh. once i reached, feeling proud that i was on time cos i expected myself to be late, qh was gg on about hw long she waited. then i was like it's nt even 1030 yet. then she explained that she wanted to make up for always being late, so she came 20 min early, but in the end.. everybody else was late. haha:D shihui came shortly after me, then there was a loooong wait b4 anyone else came. wh came, then she thought that we were supposed to meet at 1045 nt 1030. so qh went on and on about hw she called everyone and specially reminded them to come on time, then wh somemore misunderstood. finally cy and ra and yu came(:
so we went to take the bus to downtown east. we blindly followed our wonderful guide qh and ended up taking the wrong bus. but luckily that bus oso goes to downtown east, juz that it's a longer walk i think.
then we went to ESCAPE! haha, it's been at least a year since i last stepped in there. u haf to admit that it's really really small and there's really nt many things to play in there. on top of that 3 nice rides were closed for maintainence that day... sad. so we missed out on the pirate ship, rainbow and revolution.
so we played almost everything except the kiddy rides and the inverter, cos everyone was too scared to go with me. haha:D im the brave one here, together with ra. ra's my new idol kae, cos she was so brave, everything oso nt scared(: muz learn from her. the only ride i really was afraid of was wet and wild. we went twice. the first time i was really really scared, so in the middle of the ride i kept talking to yu and telling her i scared i was. haha:D then during the first short drop actually i wanted to scream, but i thought that it was too embarrassing and the pple queuing would laugh at me, so i beared with it and forced my mouth shut. but for the second drop i screamed and screamed , cos the drop seemed so loooooong. i kept saying in my heart that i will end in a second, but i really felt like a looooong drop. and of course i kept my eyes closed XD qh actually could open her eyes.haha. then the second time i went with qh. by that time the sky looked really really dark, and as soon as we set off it started raining. so it got really cold and gloomy and SCARY!!! me and qh kept on praying that it will nt start raining heavily until we finished the ride, cos the drop will be doubly scary if it was raining heavily. AND IT MAY BECOME DANGEROUS!! the rain got heavier and heavier kae, but lucky for us it only became really heavy when we got off. then we were really SOAKED AND WET. bcos of wet and wild AND the rain. so we tried to dry off in the toilet. din work. haha:D
after the first time we played wet and wild we went to play bumper boats, cos we were alr wet. haha, we all ganged up against cy. then i really embarrased myself there leh. when the guy was trying to remove the chain frm the boat, i accidentally pressed the squirt button, so i squirted water right into his face!!!! i was so embarassed i din dare to look at him leh. i think i said at least 7 sorrys. but luckily he was nice about it la. then when i was about to get off, the woman was trying to help me off, then i think i pulled her too hard, she almost lost her balance. haha, luckily she was nice about it too. i think most of the personnel there were really nice and friendly that day(:the flipper guy oso v friendly to us(:
we lunched at the food court. then my shorts were dripping wet, so when i sat down, there was this 'squish' feeling and i totally wet the seat. hahaXD
then we took photos at escape entrance, with courtesy of shihui and weihan's cam(:

haha, we were trying to make funny faces while no one was staring(:

after that we went to collect bbq food and start the bbq. we started really early, cos we din want to finish too late. (and juz in case we took a really looong time to get the fire started, cos we were all inexperienced fire startersXD) i rmb hw sm arranged the charcoal to start the fire last time, so we followed. we had a really neat arrangement(:

then after we started cooking we realised the fire wasnt hot enough, so we had to sort of 'restart' the fire. haha:D then fire became really hot!! yayy(: but the first few satays were badly charred. haha:D

we had fun bbqing and eating at the same time(:
when we were almost done bbqing, we sat down to play games to try to finish the food(: we played zhong ji mi ma and guang zhou chao mian(: i was quite gd at guang zhou chao mian(: but cy and wh and shihui kept losing, so i think they finsihed most of the foodXD
while we were eating and playing there were all sorts of creatures coming to join in the fun XP

plus mosquitoes and spiders and other insectsXP
so after that we cleared up and went back to the room and started playing card games and more card games. we were playing bridge, 2 pple together cos we had too many pple. we took so long to finish one game!! cos everyone will start discussing and be indecisive. haha:D so i concluded that we shud nvr play bridge in pairs(: but that nite i was really unlucky, cos i kept losing and losing. whoever partnered me will lose, except maybe i won a few games with qh(:
so that nite we juz played cards, uno and toked the whole night. we slept at 630!!! but i wasnt really tired, cos i think i sleep too much nowadays, haha:D but one obvious sign of nt slping, DARK RINGS. i finally got rid of them b4 this by waking up later everyday, but.. wasted effort. muz start slping more againXD
so the nxt day we checked out and went to my hse to play. b4 leaving we took photos again(: i realised photos are very impt to keep track of precious memories, so my cam goes everywhere with me(:

Thursday, November 22, 2007
i just realised everyone's growing up except me): lolx. chloe's bdae was 2 days ago, qianhui's was 2 wks ago. everyone's sixteen except me. okok, nt that it's a big deal. maybe it's juz me, but i feel that december babies dun haf bdaes that are as much fun as babies in the other months. cos at other times they haf all their friends at school arnd them on their bdaes. i always haf the impression that they haf more exciting bdaes. haha:D is exciting the correct word to use?
btw is it true that as someone grows older and older, bdaes become less important days? maybe nt. i hope nt. haha:D i still rmb when i was younger, my bdae was always one of the most fun days of the year, cos i will haf this large party, and i will haf many many friends and relatives celebrating my bdae with me, with a huge birthday cake, balloons, goody bags, and many many presents. haha:D okok, i know bdaes are nt juz about these. i was young and small, ok!! haha:D
so as i grow older, these things are nt part of my bdae anymore. duh rite, haha, im a matured teenage girl, i dun need goody bags anymore XD i tend to spend quieter bdaes. last yr i spent it in shanghai. nt specially arranged la, juz happened to coincide.
i think the best thing about bdaes is the nice feeling u get when u realise u haf friends remembering ur bdae, even pple whom u havent spoken to for a long time. i always feel very happy when i receive bdae msgs, no matter hw simple they are. to me, it signifies that u make a difference to their lives, that's why they bother to rmb ur bdae(: that's wad it means to me onli la. haha:D
haha, the more i write the more i realise this post doesnt flow. ok i shall stop soon. it's juz what suddenly came to mind 2 days ago, when i wished chloe happy bdae.
btw, today when i was walking along the road, i saw this little boy, nt very old i think about 7 or 8 yrs old, holding his little sister's hand when he was walking, and like making sure his sister is properly taken care of. the first thing that came to mind was: SO SWEET!!!!! i want an older brother too!!!
haha, that's what im talking about when i tell my friends hw nice it is to haf an older brother. someone who is ur generation whom u can seek advice from when u haf prob and someone who will always try to take care of u cos u are his little sister. i mean to me when the older brother really tries and wants to take gd care of his sister, it's a really great relationship(: sobs.. i want an older brother too.. haha, but a bit late ah.. to all the pple out there who haf older brothers(actually older sisters oso): U ARE LUCKY PPLE! TREASURE THE RELATIONSHIP! (:
Thursday, November 15, 2007
been wanting to blog about this but has been procrastinating..FAM'07!!! haha, like our theme "dazzle", everyone was dazzling that nite!! ok let me start from the top(:
the day started when i went to zhu to do hair and make up. then when they were done, my first reaction was "oh no i look overdone oh no the whole world is gg to stare". seriously, i din recognise myself kae. i was like totally different. and zhu looked so chio!! haha:D
then we reached meritus mandarin. that was when i started to relax and not be so uptight about how "over" i looked. cos i realised everybody was liddat too!! haha:D and EVERYBODY was dazzling. and im not exaggerating. so we hung outside to ballroom to talk and admire how beautiful everyone was(:

see, everyone was gorgeous rite? haha, i rmb everyone was so busy taking pics we kept ignoring the sec3s who were frantically asking us to go in and take our seats cos we were running late. sorry!!
yayy, then after that we finally went in to sit down.
mrs tan gave a speech
followed by our gorgeous head prefect xiner
then... dinner was served!!
haha:D the food was not bad at all! except we din get like sharks fin la. lolx.
so in the midst of dinner, we had performances and of course our FAM'07 pageant!! haha:D the representative for our class was our beautiful class chair, amanda!!
the one on the extreme left(:
all the 16 reps
haha, that nite nobody was eating properly, cos we were so busy enjoying the performances and trying to make full use of the photo-taking sessions in between(:
my pretty frens again(:
mr ow where u looking ah?!
amanda's performance!! she did something called body beat boxing i think. like making rhythms using pure body parts and table or chair i think. haha;D not v sure either.
so zai!!
so cool!!
then it was the q&a session for the pageant(:
finally the awards presentation(: amanda din win ms fam'07, but everybody would definitely agree that she couldn't have been better(:
oops couldnt get a gd pic. amanda won ms dazzle!! :D
my beautiful classmates!!

yayy(: then after the dinner the fun hadn't ended, cos batch07 planned a surprise birthday thingy for nicole in the hotel rm after prom(: okok, it was supposed to be a surprise, but i guess.. then i think we were really quite dumb, we actually forgot the candles!! haha:D so nicole had to blow out imaginary flames(:
yayy, our batch mirror shot!! (after many countless failed attempts at trying to use the timer on the cam to take a shot XD)

i thoroughly enjoyed fam, and seeing all my frens looking so different from the normal blue uniforms and yellow name tags(: prom is really the last time rgs batch07s gather together as rgs sec 4s.. i will miss rgs and everyone who has made a difference in my life in rgs!!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
finally, after all the slogging and mugging, i haf come to the end of my sec 4 life. had farewell assembly today. this year's extra special, cos other than saying goodbye to the sec 4s, we are saying goodbye to mrs deborah tan, our sweetest cutest, most beloved beloved principal as well.
felt super emo today. haha:D i think everyone will be. i mean i know some pple will say it's stupid to feel so emo, cos we will be seeing each other again (at least most of us) nxt year. but i still feel that it's quite sad that we are leaving rgs alr. after all, the environment will change, people will change.
i think im very contradictory. cos in the past years' farewell assembly, everytime we say bye bye to the sec 4s, i will be like "is my turn going to come soon?" there's this feeling of like "hey i cant wait to graduate and move on to rj and grow up". but now im like "noooooo, im growing up too fast. i dun want to move on so quickly and leave all the caring tchers and all the nitty gritty things of rgs behind". this entire year i haf been counting all the last things i will do in rgs, like my last swim carn, my last racial harmony day, my last eya, my last fried food day... there's juz too many!!! haha:D i still rmb last wk when we had our last fried food day, everybody was insisting that we should buy all the various fried food from the diff stalls and eat them for the last time in our rgs lives. there's juz so many things i cant bear to leave behind.
it's funny how sometimes u only learn how to notice and cherish things when u are about to lose them. it always happens to me. too many times. i only realise how impt some things are to me juz when im about to leave them behind. sad rite? i shud improve on this weakness of mine. muz learn to live everyday as if it's my last and cherish everything and everyone while i still haf the chance(: a couple of days ago, anzie was telling me "hey did u ever notice this thing along the corridor and that tile at the foyer" and stuff like that. i was surprised throughout all my 4 years in rgs, i nvr ever notice these little things that i pass by everyday. it's only when im about to leave that i realised how beautiful and unique these things are.
oh and another thing that makes the day even more emo for me: saying goodbye to mrs tan. we had this surprise farewell concert for her today(: i think our school's v/principals and teachers and students are all very sweet. the whole school put in a 110% effort into making mrs tan's last day in rgs a very memorable one. and mrs tan is one of the best principals ever!! im so glad she din leave last yr like she was supposed to at first. i hope she will nvr ever forget us!! :D the whole school showered her with well wishes, gifts, tokens today(: while listening to her make her last speech, i almost felt like crying kaes. but i din la, must control(: i was telling myself if mrs tan was touched to tears then i will cry too. haha, but she din (at least i think she din watching her frm far far away), so i din too(:
thank you to all the teachers, principals, non teaching staff, canteen vendors, greenman, security guards, gardener for making my 4 years in rgs such a comfortable and memorable one! thank you principals for always taking care of our welfare and bringing the school to greater heights! thank you teachers for showering us with tender loving care and concern, despite the many times that we made u angry and disappointed. thank you for putting up with all our nonsense and imparting to us all the useful knowledge that will carry us very far in our future endeavours. thank you non teaching staff for always lending us a helping hand. thank you canteen vendors for whipping up such delicious cuisines to fill our empty stomachs. thank you greenman for maintaining a clean and conducive environment for us to study in. thank you security guards for ensuring that we will definitely feel safe and sound while in the school compounds. thank you gardener for keeping our school clean and green!! without every single one of u i think i would nvr ever enjoy coming to school(:
finally, a very very big thank you to all my wonderful schoolmates, classmates, cca mates, batch mates, table mates!! thank you anzie and char and su for listening to my problems and cheering me up when im feeling down. thank you yongzhu for being such a cute and funny and kind friend and vicechairperson, and always telling me lame jokes to make me laugh. thank you sharon for always putting up with my nonsense and being such a helpful tablemate! thank you hongchuan for being such a wise and funny friend and being always able to solve my problems for me. thank you 402 for being such a caring and friendly class, always trying to include everybody in all the activities and many other kind gestures. thank you everyone for always being there for me!! may we always be good friends forever, no matter how our paths diverge!!
i will move on, meet new friends, build new relationships, but these wonderful memories will always be etched deeply in my heart, giving me support and bringing a smile to my face.
oh here's my graduation ring! the school's so sweet, somemore package until so nice for us(: