Thursday, November 30, 2006
today was quite fun... but quite traumatizing oso.. haha:D
bcos today went out with shara shuna to give out surveys for rs. went to orchard. then it's like the first time we doing this kind of thing mah, so we all like quite scared to ask. then we oso quite funny la. we will like choose our "victims". then we keep wei4 wei4 suo1 suo1 then in the end miss a lot of pple. hehe:P anyway, our first victims were 3 guys. then they were like sitting on the ledge of ngee ann, then we just walk up to them. but they still quite nice la, agreed to help us do. at first we oso dun dare to ask them one. another very nice group of pple is like one group of young pple. i think in poly one. then at first they ask me to help them take photo, then we had the chong1 dong4 to ask them. then they were very nice. but they kept laughing and smiling, i think it's bcos we were from rgs. then they oso keep saying saying dun go jc, go rp. then at first i thought rp was referring to raffles programme, but after we left shuna shara was telliing me it's not. haha, but they realli quite friendly. they even took a photo of us leh, bcos apparently they want to show their fren. i oso dunno show wad. that rgs pple look liddat? ahaha:D ya, that's the end of the nice respondents. they rest either do until xin1 bu4 gan1 qing2 bu4 yuan4, or just anyhow answer. then until about 2 plus we admitted defeat, so decided to split the remaining 23 surveys and ask our frens to do.
so after that we went tm. bcos that day went tm with yu, simin and qianhui then i saw this make badge shop mah. then i immediately rmb shara wanted to make badge. so today we all go there lor. but go there then found out that to make one badge, it costs $12.90!! daylight robbery!! the other time shara's sis make one badge onli need about 4 bucks. so we decided not to make. then we walk walk walk to san bookshop. then shara shuna recommended me quite a lot of nice love novels. ahaha:D i haf stuff to occupy myself alr(: then after that they went to airport to send someone off, then i went with my mummy go and buy winter clothes.
went to quite a lot of shops, but most of the winter jackets all not very nice. dunno why leh. i rmb when i was younger when i went shopping for winter clothes got a lot of choices then i oso dunno which one to choose bcos all look very nice. but now.. haha, i guess when u get older the clothes get less fancy(: but finally i found my beloved winter jacket. it's a pink one with nice fur at the hood. <3333333
sigh.. so fast, half the hols gone alr. then next wk my bdae alr. then next wk oso gg china alr.. :D
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
yayy!! chalet was fun(:
anyway, on sun we went escape. we referring to me, qianhui, yuxuan, shihui, rachel and weihan. weihan came after lunch(: it's been a year since i went to escape, and then somemore this hol admission fee for escape is onli 6 bucks.. haha:D bcos of escape's 6th anniversary. if qianhui nvr tell me i oso din know(: anyway, our first ride was the viking ok.. well, a word of advice, it's not a good idea to start with something so vigorous in a theme park. haha:D but we all survived!! qianhui and shihui were quite scared, then they were sitting in the middle, then me and rachel sat behind them. then throughout the ride shihui and qianhui were looking quite scared, then i kept trying to calm them down by patting their heads. lolx:D then after that we decided that our first ride was too meng3 alr, so we went to sit the family coaster to calm ourselves down(: i was sitting with yu at the second last seat i think. it was quite fun, then yu was like wanting to scream but nobody was screaming, then i was laughing throughout the ride. next we went to the kite flyer. wah, it really makes me very dizzy and a bit unwell. hmm.. it's actually quite strange. when i was younger when i went to escape when i was afraid to sit on the thrillers, i used to love that ride. as in i could sit five or six times without feeling unwell. but starting from like 2 years ago i started to get dizzy everytime after the kite flyer. it's even worse than stuff like the inverter and viking. yesterday was not so bad until almost the end. bcos when the ride is about to stop the thing will keep going in rounds for a very long time until it finally stops. then the entire floor was like turning and turning. i had to close my eyes, if not i think i would haf puked :P
then after that weihan reached so we went out to haf lunch. we ate at this shop thingy, then the food there was... less than fantastic. haha:D only me and yu managed to mian3 qiang3 to finish our food. i think the worst was weihan's vegetarian char siew rice. my fried rice tasted like it was made of nothing but msg. but eat a few more mouths then it wasnt so bad, so i managed to finish it. every single bit of it ok? :D
then we went back to escape. bcos we just ate, so obviously cannot play stuff too vigorous rite, so we went for the haunted hse thingy. me, qh, yu and ra went b4, so we were not scared at all, but weihan and shihui were quite freaked out by us(: haha:D bcos we kept saying like how scary it is and everything. but actually the haunted hse changed from the last time we went.. they no longer haf that person in black who follows u arnd and whisper in ur ear. i think that is the scariest part. bcos i rmb the first we went, i was the person standing at the back, so that person kept on harassing me. from my left ear to my right ear back to my left. at first i din know what thing it was lor, bcos i was so scared that the entire journey in that hse i kept my eyes closed. haha:D so i kept on tripping on yu and rest's toes. but i guess maybe someone complained so they took that person away. so it's like not scary anymore. but when i went in still screamed.. haha:D bcos the exhibits thingy were really quite scary. i like grabbed onto to ra and yu and refused to let go. then there were 2 guys behind us who were pretending to be scared. then we started laughing(: then after haunted hse we went for rainbow!! i was really excited, bcos for the past year everytime i went to escape rainbow will be under maintanence or not opened. then after that yu, qh, shihui and weihan went for wet and wild. ra din go bcos she couldnt go for wet rides. i din go bcos.. i was a little scared, on top of that each boat could onli sit 2 pple, and we had an odd no, so i xi1 sheng1 xiao3 wo3. hehe:D
we left to meet simin and chenying for bbq at about 5. while waiting for my mum to come with the bbq food we were taking photos in front of escape. then when chenying came qh and yu were like the paparazzi frantically taking candid photos of her. super funny. some photos were really quite nice!! haha, muz get simin to faster upload the photos.
BBQ!! i think the hardest part of the entire bbq was starting the fire. me, simin and yu were laying charcoal, fire starters and lighting them. the charcoal refused to catch fire, so the fire keep on extinguishing as soon as the fire starter finished burning. then somemore when we started bbqing with the pathetic fire which wasnt hot that we started, it started to drizzle!!!!! we started to panic la, then we got chenying to hold umbrella over the bbq pit. haha:D thank you chen ying!! xin1 ku3 you alr!! ahaha:D but luckily the rain din get heavier. the food was quite yummy:P, but i ate quite a lot of uncooked food at the start(:
hmm.. then weihan wanted to stay, but after contacting her father she started to get quite upset. nvr mind weihan!! dun be sad ok? we can always go out with u other times and maybe next year u can come and stay over if we haf another chalet(: we definitely had a lot of fun with u that day(:
so after weihan left and we all changed and washed up, we went out for a walk and took a few photos. then we went back to the room and starting playing cards, specifically bridge(: they all din know how to play bridge leh, i taught them ok? haha:D i oso only just learnt from the class gathering la. then play a while they all started to get addicted to it. play and play and play and play. then after that we decided to stop a while and then me and qianhui started to show some card game magic tricks. i showed them one that someone showed me and i took an extremely long time to figure it out, but qianhui and simin figured it out almost immediately!! then soon after that everyone figured it out. hhmph. i think im just slow.. haha:D but i oso figured out the trick qh showed me ok? first one to figure out. hehe. we played stuff and slept at 6. haha, then we woke up at 10 plus.
the next day we took cab to my hse to put down the stuff and the leftover bbq food, then we went to tampines mall. at first we planned to go pasir ris park to cycle one, but it started to rain heavily so we had to abort the plan. oh! and i saw gladys there. she changed to orange specs, like mine!! haha. cool. then we walked arnd the mall until we were quite bored, so we decided to go back to my hse to continue playing bridge. haha. then they all went home at about 5.
i think this year's chalet was really fun. and quite a lot of pple turned up too, at least for the bbq. not like last year, onli got yu, qianhui and simin. let's make this an annual thing ok? :D
Friday, November 24, 2006
haha:D i realised i haven't blogged for quite a while.. i guess it's bcos holidays.. so if i stay at home there isnt much to blog about..
anyway, went to qh's concert yesterday. i was like half an hour late, bcos i was actually supposed to meet shihui at bugis then we go together one, but shihui blur blur thought that the concert was tonight instead of last night. haha :D i called her like 10 times i think.. she oso nvr pick up.. then i waited for like 45 min b4 deciding to leave without her. then i oso wasnt sure of the way to qh's skool, although qh alr taught me. take 133, then after potong pasir mrt station look out for a caltex station and press the bell. so i took the bus, then after potong pasir mrt station then i was looking and looking also dun haf caltex.. so i started to panic bcos i thought i overlooked and missed the stop. bcos after the mrt station i sort of reached some ulu grassland. then that place i ren2 sheng1 di4 bu4 shou2, then just nice wh called me and told me that she was lost too. then i told her about my predicament. then of course she couldnt help me la, she oso dun even know where she is. then once i put down the phone then 2 people standing beside me in the bus very nicely told me that the caltex is at the next stop. haha:D i think i was too panicky so when speaking to wh on the phone i think i toked rather loudly(: anyway, so i was like thank you thank you, then i quickly got off. but even as i got off i oso dunno which way to walk. i even thought that i got off at the wrong bus stop. but then i rmb qh say supposed to have like a path with a gradient, but i cannot rmb whether to walk uphill or downhill. but i thought i vaguely rmb her saying uphill, so i decided to walk in that direction. walk and walk and walk and walk, then it was starting to get a bit creepy, bcos it was starting to become dark and somemore that place oso dun haf a lot of pple, then got a few.. creepy pple, so i was startiing become a little creeped out. then i walk and walk and walk and walk, the more i walk, the weirder the place seemed to get, so i decided to call for sos. so i called my mummy and ask her to check the street directory and tell me whether im walking in the right direction. then of course i found out that i was supposed to walk in the opposite direction, so i walk and walk and walk and walk back to the bus stop where i alighted from and continued to walk on.. downhill. so i walk and walk and walk and walk.. and i finally reached her skool!!!! hurray!! haha:D but by the time i reached there im like sweating like crazy. then wh still haven reach, so i waited for her for about 10 min outside the skool b4 gg in with her. okok.. enough of my li4 xian3 ji4.
qh's concert was quite good(: got quite a lot of performances from diff performing arts(: so although we were late we still managed to catch quite a lot of performances. then after the performance both me and wh haven eat dinner, so my mum brought me qh and wh to a food court to eat. but of course at that time alr 10 plus, so most of the stalls close alr. onli the western food stall still open. haha, but soon after we order then they close(: so lucky rite. then after that my mum sent wh and qh home b4 going home(:
nowadays stuff that i do at home are like reading my chi love novels and watching dramas on youtube. i spent about 2 days finishing ai qing he yue. it's a taiwan drama by ariel lin yi chen and mike he jun xiang. quite old alr la. although qh told me that a lot of pple say that show very wu liao, but i still watched, bcos got 2 of my favourite actor and actress(: but after watching i hafta admit that the plot IS quite wu liao, as in like it is about this love contract where mike signed saying that he must court ariel. but obviously soon after they really fell in love la, but then ariel found the contract and was very upset. but i haf to say some parts really very touching and sad. then the ending oso quite special.. as in they make it look like there is 3 diff endings. bcos like after ariel found the love contract then she of course decided to leave mike. but then she met with an accident then she become like a zhi2 wu4 ren2. so obviously the mike very sad la. then he tried all ways and means to "wake" her up, but in vain. so in the end he brought her to the beach then decided to commit suicide with her so they disappeared into the sea. then after that actually the words "the end" came out alr, but then suddenly somebody shouted STOP and then mike and ariel suddenly emerged from the sea. then its like they didnt die and on top of that ariel woke up from her comatose status. then another "finish" word came out, but somebody shouted STOP again. then suddenly mike and ariel came into the picture wearing wedding gowns. then all their friends oso came into the pic then they all seem to be very happy, celebrating. but the weird thing is that one of the friends called xiao bai was supposed to have died during the accident that ariel met with as well, but he was also alive and kicking. so i went to read up, then i found out that the director actually meant for mike and ariel to die. then the second ending where ariel recovered was supposed to be the ideal scenario. then the third one is where they were in heaven living happily ever after(: quite special la:D
oh, then now im watching jian dao shi tou bu, starring wang shao wei and qiao en. im really starting to fall in love with wang shao wei(: his character in this show is so cool yet cute. ahaha:D i think this character is even better than ai qing mo fa shi and wang zi bian qing wa(: although he is like 30 alr, but he is still so cute!!! ahaha:D but of course wang ren fu is still the best(: now i think i like shuang1 wang2-wang ren fu and wang shao wei!! ahahahaha:D
yayys, going for chalet tmrw(: sure going to haf lots of fun!! :D
Monday, November 20, 2006
Cantata is finally over!! i think i went really really well!! well done everyone!! im sure we made an impact on the audience!! ahaha:D i really think we did unexpectedly well(: bcos it's like the first time we doing anything like that, then sometimes rehearsal oso didnt seem to go very well, we were actually quite dejected a few days before the concert. but everything went really really well!! so no sweat everyone!! now that the concert is over, i feel that my hols haf really started(: im really quite tired after the last two weeks.. need a good rest.. oh pix with shara shuna and qianhui and weihan and shihui after my concert(:

renfu's really cute, sweet, wonderful princess has finally come to earth!! welcome!! ahaha:D she came yesterday, 9plus in the morning(: renfu says she is really chubby. SO CUTE!!!!!!! and her nickname gg to be le4 le4!! it's so renfu to call her that la.. wahaha:D congrats to ji mama and wang baba!! look the pic below is renfu holding her health booklet. got her footprint!! so cute!!!!!!!! <3

went out with qianhui today(: bcos was busy with cantata so very long nvr go out with her alr. went to kbox. then there was this guy who apparently was his first day at work. he's quite cute la. first he showed the way to our room wrongly. then when we first get in the room then he was supposed to ask us some stuff like what drink we want and what lunch we want. then he was like blur blur one. i think he wanted to ask us whether we want chicken or fish for lunch, but he ask until bu4 qing1 bu4 chu3, then we were like huh. then he went it is his first day at work so he is not really sure of the stuff. ahaha:D anyway, after kbox then we walked arnd for a bit then went to bugis. took neoprints, then went library to look at some books. finally we settled down at hans to snack and tok about some stuff.
i think now im starting to fall in love with chinese love novels. thanks to shuna's "good" influence. ahaha:D i went to the library a few days ago and borrowed like 4 chinese books, all love novels. then today went out with qianhui to the library oso borrowed 2 more. i actually only spent like 1 day to finish 1 of the novels i borrowed the other day u know.. it's like VERY fast for my chinese book reading speed. but i realised something. most love stories are really that cliched. as in the one i just finished reading was something about a cool guy who seems very kept to himself, meeting a very straightforward and blunt girl, and gradually falling in love with her. but actually he alr has a girlfriend whom he supposedly loved a lot who left him a few years back without a word. then after the guy fell deeply in the with the new girl then the good friend came back to tell him the whereabouts of his ex-gf. then actually the ex-gf left him bcos she met with an accident and lost the use of her legs so she couldnt face the guy. then of course the guy was caught in middle, bcos his ex needed him but he really loved the new girl. ahaha:D hope the rest of the stories will be more.. different(:
Thursday, November 16, 2006
haha, sorry it seemed i haven updated my blog for quite long, but actually i wrote a post on tues, just that at that time the connection to blogger like got problem so i couldnt publish.. (:
anyway, nowadays oso like not much to blog about. im gg back to skool like almost everyday for cantata. today oso the same. today had full dress. wa.. move the props in and out.. very tiring leh, then they somemore say the transition still too slow.. but i think our cantata is getting better and better(: i just want sat to faster come so i can quickly get it over with so i can finally enjoy my holidays.
oh!! and xiao renfu is coming to the world in a few more days!! i cant wait!! renfu is going to be like the best father in the entire world(: i read somewhere that his baby supposed to be born on 8 dec, my birthday!! but then ji qin is too weak, so the doctor suggested that she cut open her womb to give birth to the baby sooner(: you know i was thinking, as in like my idol wei4 hun1 sheng1 zi3, then i shud not like him so much anymore, but then i realised that after this incident i like him even more leh!! oso dunno why.. it's like idol not supposed to show this type of bad example and get married at this time, then if this happens the fans are not supposed to support him so much, but i then i like him more and more leh!! i think now he become father, the mei4 li4 increase lor, then the type of feeling he give you will be a bit different, but nevertheless attractive!! ahaha:D im blabbing alr. hehe :P
ok.. i haf nothing else to blog about alr.. tata..
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
another cantata day.. went to school at like 9 in the morn, then went through the thing once, then i was like moving the props in and out. so tiring... then after that they somemore say wanna add props and backdrops, so me crystal and gladys spent the entire afternoon painting the backdrop for the coffee hse scene. ahaha:D then we got ourselves all covered in paint. but i think our backdrop looks nice(: but actually painting backdrops are quite fun la, but oso very tiring. esp the clearing up(:
now feeling very tired. dunno whether i shud go for gb tmrw. bcos actually tmrw nt supposed to haf meeting,but then tiddy say haf, then i oso dunno whether i supposed to go, then i oso dunno who gg, then i oso very tired. sigh.. duno how. realli wish sat to be over. that's when my hols truly start.
sigh. quite tired. shall stop here.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Had class gathering yesterday((: the turnout was not bad la, but oso got quite a few pple nvr come): anyway, it was at weili's old hse, and it was a rather ulu place. i think we spent almost the entire day playing cards la.. lolx:D as i was there from like 1000-1800, and from the time we reached there to about 1300, we were playing card games. oh!! and i finally learned how to play bridge!! hehe:D then we played charades for about an hour, then we watched this dvd called bring it on. some cheerleading movie. then we played twister. it was super funny la, as in we were like all twisted and packed together in some rather obscene position, then somemore jasmin and some other pple kept purposely delaying and then we had to hold that position longer. they were also like disturbing us, like tickling us. so bad.. tsktsk.. then we went back to card games(: finally just before i left we settled down to watch xi jie shao nian!! ahaha:D renfu is eva so shuai and funny(:
then today was a lazy day again. ok la, maybe nt so.. my mum had some friends over to play for the entire day. then there were 2 boys, one pri 3 and the other pri 6, and one little girl, 4 yrs old onli. she's super cute!! she likes to like climb up and down the stairs and oso play with my bean bags(: then everytime she wanna climb the stairs she will ask me to hold her hand. i think i went up and down the stairs today more than 10 times today la.. but i still like her a lot(: she's super sweet too!! oh, then i spent the afternoon watching the boys play xbox, and sometimes joining in. i think im so not pro at video games. i keep losing :P but it was still quite fun la.. haven played such stuff for a realli long time. oh!! and i actually played hide and seek with them today((: i so returned to my younger days.. ahaha:D but the younger boy is quite dumb in a cute way la, as in we were like so obviously there and then he still dunno.
tmrw is another stay home day. what shud i do?? :S
Friday, November 10, 2006
today shuna shara came to my hse at 9 to do rs. i thought we arranged 10 o clock, but they were like one hour early. luckily i decided to wake up earlier(: anyway, although we were OFFICIALLY doing rs, we actually "finished" our survey within half an hour and started to play arnd on the net. like go arnd friendster and look at profiles and go blog surfing. haha :D we are so slack. then we went out to meet cynthia at about 1130.
we ate lunch at this little shop thingy at bugis, which i think specialises in selling "tea shake". ahaha :D and they only haf like 3 choices for the main meal-fried rice with grilled chicken wing, fried mee siam with grilled chicken wing and grilled chicken rice. i chose the fried rice. but their portion of fried rice is realli huge ok, i couldnt finish la, but the grilled chicken wing was yummy :P and the tea shake thing is rather special. i chose mango flavour la, so like within the mango flavouring u can like taste a bit of tea. nice(:
then actually we wanted to go bugis bcos shara wanted to make the personalised badge thing, but then when we went there we found out that the shop wasnt there anymore): so sad.. so the entire afternoon shara was whining about wanting to make the badge and blaming shuna for not allowing her to make the badge when the shop was still there..
then we went to take neos(: we took twice, bcos shara wanted to take the machine which can reprint the photos in A3 size. i think the photos were realli nice, and it's been a long time since i took neos with cyn. i think slightly more than a yr(:
then we walked arnd for a while then we decided to go sit down at macs. we were like taking photos, then there was this guy with his wife and child staring at us. ahaha:D

Thursday, November 09, 2006
today went to school to collect results.. overall gpa was 3.8. i did like much better than expected la.. my overall gpa actually improved from mid yr la. oso dunno why.. bcos like when i collected my papers rite, my marks seemed to pull down my overall marks. i seriously seriously expected to deprove (okok, i know there's no such word :P). oh, and another thing, i found out that jap pulled down my marks): AND my jap is deproving over the yrs. in a dillemma whether to continue. something tells me that i shud persevere on, but something else tells me to give it up if it is not benefitting me. sigh.. i guess i will just see how it goes next yr b4 deciding. i think the only reason that makes me hesitate about quitting is that i like learning this new language. just that i cant stand cramming for the tests that they haf almost every month. i just wanna learn leisurely i guess...
then went out with crystal, gladys and ame while waiting for gb to start. bcos we finished collecting results at 9, and gb starts at 1. sian.. at first we couldnt decide where to go, but gladys randomly said lido, so we decided to go with that suggestion. yayy, me and gladys ate lasagne (yummy :P), then crystal ate bandito pocket meal, and ame ate 2 hotdog bun (the long kind) PLUS a double cheeseburger. no wonder she felt stuffed la.. haha:D then after that we really couldnt decide where to go. haha, we saw this locality map thing la, so we got ame to close her eyes and point at anywhere on the map then we would just go there. we realli did ok, bcos ame pointed at far east, so we realli went far east!! lolx.. then at far east gladys forced me to eat dessert with her at hans. i ate apple crumble(yummy again). then gladys was so like being herself and crapping and doing stupid stuff, like she forced us to go up the lift all the way to the top level without a purpose:D i think we were realli bored, we like walked pass subway at far east three times without any purpose. we finally decided to go back to school(:
then in the gb room me and gladys were like comparing teacher's comments for report book, and laughing at how repetitive they seem to be.. finally gb started then we went to a classroom in j blk to paint our backdrop for the stable scene. it's actually quite tiring lor, just measuring out the size of the mahjong paper we shud use. then after that we started painting and playing with the paint as we try to paint the hay. haha, painting backdrops were actually quite fun. then i had piano class. actually i rather stay and continue painting one lor, more fun, but then dun wan to waste money, so hafta go. piano class was ok i guess, just that some parts of the grade 8 piece im learning now is so difficult. esp the rhythm. guess i will just hafta work harder. kam-ba-te ne!!
today is a happy day(: and tmrw doing rs!! wahaha:D
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
today.. another cantata rehearsal day.. i just realised im like gg back to skool almost everyday for cantata stuff. i hope the cantata will go well, so all our hard work wont go to waste. met gladys on the mrt today on the way to skool. then both of us happened to haf a craving for sweet talk, so we decided to go buy(: at first we were worried that it was not opened yet, but of course bcos we wanted to drink so obviously it's open!! haha:D but anyway we saw felicia chin at hilton hotel on the way to sweet talk!! she's one of my favourite mediacorp artistes(: and i read in a magazine that she was acting a show with jiang chengxi!! rmb him? ming xing ou xiang!! he's so my favourite in that contest(: too bad he was that close to the finals. harh, but at least i think his role in that new show with felicia chin will be MUCH bigger than even the two guys who got into the finals la.. like the brian person onli gt that small role in zhuan shi qing yuan, and forgot the other guy's name. aiyah, nt impt. jiang chengxi then impt:D oh, anyway, so i bought green apple milkshake(: nice. made me super full oso.
ya, then we reached skool and had rehearsal lor. i think there's a lot of room for improvement la. jia you pple!!
getting results tmrw.. aiya, actually i dun feel anything oso. results onli wad.. it's ding4 ju2 alr. but i do wanna know my jap marks(: luckily i didnt fail. i starting to get quite sick of jap lor, but then there's something which spurs me on to continue. i think i will stick out until at least next yr and see how well i cope then i decide whether to continue taking o levels and even consider taking it as a jc humans subject.
and tmrw is my very very good, chio, nice, special friend's bdae!! about one and a half hours to her bdae!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN ADVANCE!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
didnt blog yesterday, but actually nothing much happened yesterday la.. spent the entire day in school doing cantata stuff. i stayed in school from like 10 to 6 la.. at first for my comm only supposed to go at 2 (hhmph, stupid gladys didnt reply my sms), but i went at 10!! so i went the help the other comm lor. haha, we spent like 1 h deciding on how to make beards. we seriously lack pple good in art. anyway, the other comm finished discussing by 12 plus, so i went out for lunch with rowena b4 coming back to school to meet my comm pple. at first gladys told me no need to come back one, bcos she feels so bad that she nvr tell me the correct time, but since im such a nice person and i oso will feel very bad so obviously i came back(: so we spent the entire afternoon mixing paint and getting the right shade and painting our backdrop. im seriously hopeless at art. and i definitely wasted a lot of paint:D bcos i kept getting the wrong shade so i kept adding paint(: but i think our backdrop looks ok la, given that we dun haf pple with great artistic talents. then after that supposed to discuss the rest of the props, but we all fell the asleep in the gb rm(: lolx:D
and i just realised i haf exhausted all my dramas. i finished watching goong, love in harvard, smile pasta oso finish alr.. wad else shud i watch? dunno the new ai qing jing ji yue nice or not.. oh! i just realised i haven watch full hse and i love kim sam soon. which one shud i watch first? hmm.. ok i think i will watch full hse first, bcos anzie say until like so nice liddat(:
and today i woke up super super early ok.. 6 o clock.. to go airport and fetch my daddy.. so fillial rite? lolx:D but obviously i crawled back into bed after coming back home then slept until 10(:
went to vivo again today(: finally finished walking through the entire mall. actually vivo only gt like 3 levels of shops, seem like not very big, but the space on one level is super big la, so actually gt a lot of shops lor. even gt san bookshop(: didnt buy a lot of things today la, im disciplined ok? :D
tmrw gt full dress for cantata again.. hope wont drag for too long..(:
Sunday, November 05, 2006
spent the entire day watching love in harvard. still watching.. left like 4 or 5 episodes. not bad la.. mostly a love story. i heard from hc actually the female lead was supposed to die of cancer in the end, but the fans protested so he changed the script. haha:D so funny. hmm.. i realise in the hols at home if i dun watch tv i would feel like i dunno what to do. lolx. ok, i shall be disciplined and read another jodi picoult book.
i realise i dunno what to blog about. i guess it's bcos my life now is quite un-interesting. just watching tv, reading books.. i do liike holidays, just that compared to school days they seem much more uneventful i guess. and now qh they all still quite busy, so no time to go out. even i haf about 2 days a week fully occupied with gb cantata stuff. i realli wanna go out soon!! decomposing at home..
oh!! and here are some photos i took on the last day of school!!

Saturday, November 04, 2006
yayy!! i finally changed my blogskin(: thanks to qh, who helped me, this it-unsavvy person edit the html of the blogskin! you rock qh!!
went to pulau ubin (again) this morning for the real sensory trail thing. ok, im not exactly a i-love-nature type of person, so i cant exactly appreciate some people's love for those greens. but i hafta admit that it was a rather enriching trip. as in like if i wasnt in that lsl group i would prob not haf experience this type of thing in my entire life. despite the mosquitoes, ants, sweat, heat.. events this morn were like me and hc in charge of the sugarcane station, then various groups came along and we had to introduce the plant to them. including visually handicapped. i realised that although these people were blind, i could still feel their passion and interest in nature, something that prob even i dun haf. like they realli ask intellectual questions that maybe even i dun think of and answer(: then our guest of honour was dr. jane goodall. GOOD-ALL. geddit? ahaha:D she just this old lady who is very passionate about nature and chimpanzees. apparently she travels arnd the world participating in stuff to do with nature and the environment. she's really quite old alr. 70 plus i think. really remarkable that she still travels arnd the world and everything. today she even went through the sensory trail blindfolded, bcos she wanted to experience through the perspective of a visually handicapped. then we had nasi lemak for lunch!! ahaha. yummy:P took the ferry back at about 1.
then i came home. bathed, played piano (ahaha, i finally learnt how to play tong hua), watched ai sha, finished reading my sister's keeper. i think it's been like ages since i actually sat down and finished reading a book. but this book is one of the greatest books i haf read for a long long time. realli. it's like 400 plus pages long, and it doesnt exactly haf like gao1 chao2 qi3 fu2. ok maybe a bit. but i utterly enjoyed reading it. i didnt even find it draggy. the language oso very easy to understand. it's realli realli very beautifully crafted. basically it's about a girl who has leukemia and how the parents gave birth to a genetically designer baby to save the girl's life. then as this girl grows she gradually finds a need to have posession over her own body and haf her own choices whether to donate blood and organs to her sister. there are no antagonists in this story la. all the characters are very good people and mean well. but the ending was super sad. quite unexpected oso. i nvr ever cry just by reading a book, but i actually cried after reading the ending. okok, in the nutshell, this is an extremely good book, and i encourage all u people out there to read it(:
Friday, November 03, 2006
holidays are here!! ahaha(: today had farewell assembly for the sec 4s. quite boring.. awards awards and more awards. it's like almost giving out to the entire sec4 cohort la. then speeches. bla bla bla.. then after that we cleaned the classroom. i was scrubbing the floor with charlotte and leong and sanqian. it was hard work ok? but floor was so clean that all our hard work was worth it(: then we sat down to discuss class gathering. yayy!! it is decided that it will be on 11 nov, at weili's hse!! oh, then after that we watched this realli realli nice video that jasmin and cherie made for our entire class!! it's really really nice, and it holds many many memories our class had for the past yr. they even went to like interview our teachers to put in the video!! so nice of them rite? 30 min long!! but it was so disappointing la, the video like hanged on us somewhere in the middle. sad sad sad.. but nvr mind. cherie said she will rectify the problem and then we can watch it another day!! i love 302!!
after school i went to watch movie with my mummy(: at first wanted to watch the prestige, but then very late, so we decided to watch the covenant instead. ok la, nothing fantastic about the movie. just a lot of action and bit of scary parts. oh!!! and there's this realli realli shuai guy lead. in the show his name is caleb i think(: so shuai la!! if not for him i would prob haf like not paid attention during the movie. ahaha :D

he's the guy on the right(: ok la, cannot see properly, but this angle alr can tell he very shuai rite? :P
Thursday, November 02, 2006
yayy!! tmrw last day of school alr. i love hols, i love hols(:
today went to watch an inconvenient truth. i admit it is really gd and inspirational film that totally spurs us to stop all co2 emissions and save our earth, but throughout the entire show i was like drifting in and out of consciousness. i swear i totally tried to keep awake ok.. towards the last like 45 min or so i even like tried to sit up straight, not lean my head against the seat and all ways and means to keep myself awake ok.. the movie was seriously not boring (ok maybe just a little boring-er than usual movies), i was just too tired. oh, but i learnt something today. that speaker who came to tok at the forum thing after the movie said something like if we continue to emit so much co2, in less than 10 yrs time our earth will be flooded. ahaha(: let's all do our part to save the earth pple!!
went out to eat with charlotte, hc, su, blossom, yongzhu after the movie. at yoshi. i ate teriyaki chicken (again). then took a walk arnd action city. saw many many cute things!! ahaha(: after that then i took the mrt home with charlotte. then at dhoby ghaut the train very full mah, then there was this guy with his hand super near charlotte's body ok. then charlotte gave me this wei nan look, but i cannot do anything bcos i oso no space. then i was like laughing laughing oso. then when we reach city hall charlotte was like "that man was like so weird and chiko!!", "actually gt a bit of space in front of him to put his hand one lor, but dunno why he still put his hand there". ahaha. then she told me about how her friend's sister got molested at GEYLANG library. so i teach her next time hold her bag in front of her. ahaha:D
had piano class today. got my grade 8 bks. grade 7 to grade 8 realli gt a BIG jump leh!! i see the pieces i wanna faint liao. my teacher was like telling me grade 8 and grade 7 really got a lot of difference. oso this yr's grade 8 pieces are quite difficult. then she went on about my postponing my exam to march 2008 instead of sept 2007. so i can learn more pieces and play better(: i so agree. look at the pieces in the bk alr know. like most of the pieces 5-7 pages. then the notes all so cramp and looks so difficult. sigh.. given my this kind of standard dun even know whether then pass grade 8. sigh... zou yi bu suan yi bu bahs.
watching the 9 o clock show again. this show made me realise how fragile human relationships are and how evil and cunning women can be when they want something really badly, esp men. haha(:
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
haha, was blog surfing and i saw this personality quiz thing on hc's blog. so i went to the website,, and did it. i realised some parts were quite true(:
the results:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on education
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
school today was rather boring. had some talk on tsunami closing thing, the bio field trip then some aesthetics thing. all these ended at like 11. then i thought i was going to like decompose in school until 330, bcos gb only starts at 330. but luckily nice, chio, kind.. shuna and shara decided to keep me company!! yayy!! u guys rock!! so we went to j8. walked arnd in the shops, i bought this cute hairclip from minitoons, then we had lunch at mos, walked arnd somemore, took some photos, ate $1 milo ice cream from 7-11(:
gb today was rather useless. as in many pple misunderstood and thought that the meeting was cancelled, so in the end only left our batch and a few others. then we couldnt discuss the props as well bcos apparently the script underwent major changes. so we ended up crapping and "bonding". ahah(:
watching an inconvenient truth tmrw(: hope it's nice. OH AND I HAVE 4 TICKETS TO SELL FOR CANTATA!! BUY FROM ME OK? :D