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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

we had net carn today!! it was so fun!! WE GOT FIRST FOR CHEERS AND BANNER!! WELL DONE 302!! we got fourth overall ok.. very gd alr lehs(: i seriously din expect to get first for cheers la. we only started preparing for it on sun, and we only got it finalised yesterday, and we actually won!! i have a sudden urge to type out our entire cheer..

yo spore wah the weather so hot, its hot is hot its sizzling hot. but its not as hot as 302, we're hot we're hot we're sizzling hot. *licks finger" sizzle.
sugar.. spice.. and everything nice.. these were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls. but prof chun accidentally added an extra ingredient.. LIMEWATER!! *boom boom* and so.. S T A R I U M starium was born!! using their ultra super powers, starium have dedicated their lives to fighting crime, and the forces of evil!!
red.. and yellow.. and pink.. and green.. purple and orange and blue.. i can see a rainbow, see a rainbow, see a rainbow too... 302! the brightest star in the universe!
how come everytime we come along, u surrender-render-render fall to the ground??
it's a sunny yellow net carnival day, 302 is gonna WIN ALL THE GAMES!!
302. Be somebody.

our cheer is super cool rite? ahaha(:

then after net carn i went out with qh, WH and shihui. discussed about the chalet, took neos, sat at cathay and took a gazillion photos, walked arnd, bought some beads and ate dinner. we seriously took a lot of photos la!! ahaha, i think next time we should just save on the neos and just take photos using the camera.

today was a super tiring day, but it was super fun and all worth it(:
Monday, October 30, 2006

yayys, watching shao gong now. JIA YOU RENFU DUI!! but then ah, pardon me for saying this la, maybe it's just my biasness. but i always haf this feeling that the da4 hui4 favours xie zhi dui lor. as in like sometimes xiezhi dui do something wrong then the da4 hui4 will say there is nothing wrong. then renfu dui like do wrong not so obvious they still say they fan4 gui1 then in the end xiezhi dui will win. hhmph. it's just my own opinion la.

anyway, we had interclass games today in school. so fun!! ahaha. i played touch rugby. there were 3 games, touch rugby, softball and volleyball. at first i wanted to play volleyball one lor, but then all the places filled alr. nvr mind la, i had lotsa fun with charlotte, anzie, sarah and the rest too. ahaha. we played some really lame but fun games when it wasnt our turn to play. like the first game we played was some lame game charlotte learned from tv. it goes like when one person says a noun then the next person has to say wo3 (something) de4. so like for eg, i say ping2 guo3 (apple), then the next person has to say something related, like wo3 chi1 de4. haha. was super lame, but we had lotsa laughs playing. then soon some of the rest of the class came to join our game. then we changed our game to the multiplication game. the jiu3 jiu3 cheng2 fa2 biao3 thingy. ahaha. all of us were like so slow la. then we kept going out of rhythm. super funny. then we decided to give up and change a game. then we change to the game shao gong likes to play, the one where you cant say 3 and the multiples of 3. then we were slow as well. i finally realised how slow we are at multiplication. anyway, after that we played zong1 ji2 mi4 ma3. then gracia died the same way-twice-by getting trapped. like she didnt even get the chance to say the number. oh, then when wanxin died we made her do this forfeit which was super funny. we dared her to go up to this person who was hugging the big elmo and made her say in this really act cute voice "can i haf a hug with elmo pleeaase???". after this the rest of the class had to continue with their games so left me and sarah and anzie and charlotte. then we played this advertisement game where we had to think of famous lines from ads. it was super super funny. like i thought of the cadbury song, and the famous heineken ad one. finally we played movie charades. anzie's actions were so drama and funny. ahahaha :D

then after the games i had to stay to prac for the cheers tmrw for net carn. i think our cheer is super lame lah. but great job everyone!! i bet we will make everyone roll on the floor laughing tmrw! jia you jia you!! we prac so hard today sure can do it one! oh and players for net carn, great job and we will win all the games tmrw!! jia you jia you!!

oh, and i got our class tee today! i think it's super cute and super nice(:

Saturday, October 28, 2006

today was a rather tiring day. went to pulau ubin in the morn for the briefing for the sensory trail thingy. dunno why was so stone this morn, couldnt even bring myself to get out of bed in the morn. anyway, the trail was ok, got to meet some students from singapore american school. most americans are really different from us singaporeans. like ms tan said, they do things much more efficiently, more prepared, and sometimes more interested. haha(: nvr mind, we will improve :P ya, then i got bitten by so many mosquitoes la... i sprayed mosquito repellent ok.. just dunno why it just doesnt seem to repel them. at least got like 7 bites on both my hands and legs. hope my blood too sweet, make the mosquitoes have diabetes. muahaha... came back from the trail tired, sweaty, bitten, dehydrated, but nevertheless learned quite a lot of things.

actually today supposed to go gb, but the trail ended a bit later than expected, then i was super tired, then gladys and jess both say i dun need to go bcos anyway they not doing much, so i decided not to go. i went lunch with alicia at ps and rested a while before going to my mum to VIVOCITY(:

ok la, vivocity is really quite nice, has super a lot of shops oso. not as huge as expected la (or maybe bcos i didnt walk the entire thing). most of the shops there are on the higher end, like mango, adidas, and those branded super ex watch and clothes shops. but basically whatever you can think of it is there la. quite cool. i didnt actually walk into many shops la. bcos me and mum spent quite a lot of time at a few specific shops, so by like 730 we were super tired and decided to go home. anyway, the first shop we stepped into was tangs. looked at a few bags, quite nice but not cheap either. also tried on a few dresses and clothes, din buy any oso bcos too ex. but i bought this choker necklace thingy, very nice(: then after that went to mango and look see. i tried on this realli cool looking dress. a bit ex la, but my mum bought for me!! haha.. she oso say quite nice. i oso bought a really nice adidas jacket!! at first i wanted to buy a bigger size one lor, then there was this person who said that she was some person in the shop who can help u see which design and size and colour fit u and everything, then she say since im slim (thank you thank you), i should just take the smaller size so that it is less baggy and just fitting so can show the contour. ahha. thanks for ur compliment. oh, then for dinner i ate at carls jr. first time i eat there leh, then their burger is like humongous la!! luckily i only bought one combo to share with my mum. if nt sure stuffed to death. but really very nice leh. the meat was like juicy and everything. yummy(:

hmm.. i think i will change my blogskin pretty soon. hehe(: anyway im quite bored at home with nothing much to do so can spend some time changing skin(:
Friday, October 27, 2006

yayy!! got back all my results today. ok la, at least i passed my math. i really expected to fail la. but luckily they decided to make the last question optional, if not i definitely si de hen nan kan. but i really dun understand the math teachers la. as in b4 the test most of them told us that this paper is slightly more challenging and all that kind of stuff, and then after the paper today they were like "oh, we were rather disappointed in your performance for this test. you all shud haf done better. this paper was actually quite manageable." I was like come on la, if like more than 50% of the level found the paper a killer paper, you shouldnt label the paper as "manageable". then they somemore decided on a review test in week one or two next year. sad sad sad... somemore they like chose two of my worse topics in math for the review test. trigonometry and circle properties. sigh... at least got algebraic manipulation, not so bad.

anyway, today went out with shara and shuna for lunch b4 the principal's address. ate kfc. then we went far east to walk arnd and then took neos. the machine colour very nice, then our poses oso quite nice, haha. too bad cynthia didnt go with us. bet she's jealous. :P

now watching the zhuan shi qing yuan. it's like so typically channel 8 show plot, but since there's nothing else to watch and my mum and grandma like to watch, i shall just watch too. pierre png oso not bad looking la. haha. but i realli cant stand the fiona xie. xin1 ji1 so zhong4. then the pierre png oso quite irritating in the sense that he doesnt like get the msg directly across to fiona xie that even if shanqi doesnt exist he oso wont fall in love with her. aiya, anyway channel 8 drama all liddat one. 2 woman like 1 man, that man only like 1 woman, but the other 1 oso like him so much that she plots and oso threaten to kill herself to force the guy to be with her. whateva.

i should get myself hooked on another drama. korean or taiwan oso can. so i dun hafta watch channel 8 dramas. tmrw going for the jane goodal thingy at pulau ubin. hope wont get bitten by too many mosquitoes(:
Thursday, October 26, 2006

went back to school today. collected back about 4 papers. most were ok i guess. just that i failed my english summary. haha(: i didnt know how i actually managed that either. but anyway, i wasnt sad at all la. dunno why. but according to hc last time, i haf MATURED, so i wont care so much about these nitty gritty things(: chi was way better than expected. geog was ok, chem was ok too. overall the papers today were not really badly done la. but tmrw... nothing to say. MATH, PHYSICS, BIO & SS. but like i always say, what's done is done and cannot be undone. ahaha:D

oh, and i had this really really really really creepy dream this morn. bcos normally my alarm will ring at 545, then i will laze on the bed until 6. then this morn within this short span of 15 min, i had this really really really vivid and scary dream. ok, maybe if i talk about it here it will sound really lame and uncreepy, but my heart was like thumping really really hard when i woke up la. and it has been a really long time since i had a bad dream. basically it was just this ghost thing. i know it sounds really lame. anyway, the dream started with me like half asleep in my father's car, then my father was like oh u overslept this morn, so the school bus left alr, so im sending you to school. then i wasnt even changed and havent even pack my bag, but my father was like nvr mind i brought all your books and uniform. (ok this part of the dream doesnt make sense, but anyway..) then i was like where is my hair tie, bcos obviously i must tie my hair rite. then my father sort of gave this shocked expression implying that he forgot to bring it. then i was like how how how?!?! then he like stopped the car at the side of the road, deciding whether to go back to take it. (ok here is the climax of the entire dream) then i dunno why but my father suddenly wound down the car window and said hello to this creepy looking woman standing beside the road. i seriously didnt know why he did that. then that woman said hello back in this really really witchy and spine chilling voice and then started to laugh really hysterically and started walking towards our car. then both me and my father got freaked out and he quickly wound up the window and drove the car off. THAT WOMAN WAS REALLY REALLY CREEPY OK?!?!? then i was like really really mad at my father for like courting trouble. ok then here is another creepy part. then my father said like my friend also said hello to this kind of thing and then he DIED. then i woke up startled with my heart almost jumping out. the dream was really really vivid ok, that's why i was so freaked out. i almost felt like waking up my mummy and crying in her arms la. haahaha:D i hope i dun get another bad dream for a really really long time.

ok i realised i crapped too much about my dream(:
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

oh ya!! since i haf like nothing i might as well do the quiz thing qh tagged me to do.

#1 ; single, taken or crushing?
#2 ; are ue happy with ure life?
at present, ya(:
#3 ; when ue meet the right person, do ue fall in love with him/her fast?
if it is the right person, i guess. but of course must know the person better la.
#4 ; have ue ever had ure heart broken?
talking about relationships, not really. by other things, ya.
#5 ; do ue believe that there are sum circumstances where cheating love is acceptable?
how can cheating love be acceptable?!?!
#6 ; would ue ever take someone back if he/she cheated on ue?
#7 ; have ue talked about marriage with another person b4?
duh no. im only like 15 years old. still gt a long long way to go..
#8 ; do ue want children?
uh huh.
#9 ; how many?
see how. haha(: anyway i like little kids.
#10 ; would ue consider adoption?
why not? those kids are like so poor thing. i think they desperately need parental love(:
#11 ; if somebody likes ue right now, what do ue think is the best way to let ue noe his/her feelings?
just tell me. anyway oso can. call, sms, email..
#12 ; do ue enjoy getting into a relationship?
depends i guess. got pros and cons.
#13 ; be honest, whad is the furthest ue and ure ex did b4?
no ex yet.
#14 ; do ue believe in first love?
uh huh.
#15 ; ue believe that ue can change someone?
depends on who the person is i guess.
#16 ; are ue romantic?
i think someone else would hafta answer this for me(:
#17 ; if ue could get married anywhere, where wud it be.
singapore? home is still the best :D
#18 ; do ue easily give up in fighting?
i think so. tui yi bu hai kuo tian kong. (is this how it goes? haha.)
#19 ; have ue ever wished that ue could have someone but messed it up?
perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
#20 ; do you have feelings for someone right now?
maybe, maybe not. :P
#21 ; have ue ever broken a heart?
i hope not. if i haf please tell me i will mend it for you.
#22 ; if one day ure best frnd falls in love with the guy/gurl whom ue are deeply in love with, what will ue do?
if both of them happy then i guess i will just give him up bah.
#23 ; are ue missing someone now?
uh huh.
now, ue have to ask 5 of ure frnds to do this survey in their blog.
write down their names in the list below. tag them in their blog to let them noe.
it made pple occupied. get started.
2 - FEL
3 - HC
4 - TAN

it's like 7pm in the evening now.. feeling rather bored. i guess exams really make u feel more occupied. but that doesnt mean i like exams ok? haha :D it's still raining outside. i just realised that it hasnt rained for days alr. then suddenly heavy rain for more than an hour alr. actually i like rainy days. nice and cool(: but i just dun like it when the lightning suddenly flashes and the thunder booms straight after it. so heavy rain, tonight sure got a lot of flies. hmm.. must rmb to close the windows as soon as the rain stops.

anyway, i just a gong marathon starting from yesterday all the way to this morning. i finally finished watching!! it's really a very nice show, and i think xin and caijing realli very cute together. haha(: all u pple out there who didnt catch the show must start now! channel u, mon to fri, 7pm. oh ya! it's screening now!! haha. but today is when xin goes out with xiaolin in thailand. not nice. haha. im so biased.

my long weekend is just over like that. so fast. tmrw getting papers back alr. then after next wk it will be hols. but then from now until 18 nov i will still be quite busy over cantata stuff. i hope our very first cantata will be extremely extremely successful!! yayy!! jia you everyone!
Saturday, October 21, 2006

went out with qh and weihan. to marina square. met someone i didnt expect to meet. ok la, can be considered a pleasant surprise, just that a bit malu-ed, bcos didnt know what to do. anyway, had lots of fun gg out with them, ate, toked, played, walked ard... something i haven done for a long long time thanks to eoys. hope can go out with them soon!! more often too!! haha(: realli looking forward to the chalet. then can spend longer time with all these realli realli gd frens(:

and i bought gong dvd!!! yayy!! haha(: then i dun haf to be so agonised counting down everyday waiting for gong. and then buying the dvd can allow me to get pass the irritating parts like when lu tiao3 bo1 li2 jian1. then can quickly reach the realli sweet parts!! ahaha(:

yayy!! mon tues wed all dun need to go to skool. goody(:
Friday, October 20, 2006

YAYY YAYY YAYY YAYY YAYY YAYY YAYY!!!!!!!!! FINALLY SNATCHED MY LIFE BACK FROM THE SICKENING STRESSFUL EOYS!!! ahahahaha. I've been looking forward to this day like since dunno when. finally can start having a life. This entire wk was like mugging plus more mugging. i missed out so much la. like tv, computer, going out. im gonna hafta bu3 hui2 qu4 in the following wks(:

oh, and i finally got my piano exams result!! i did much better than i expected la... merit(: and i thought i made so many stupid mistakes. must be that day the examiner's ears got prob. haha. but wadeva. as long as i didnt fail :D

i haf been waiting to blog for so many wks, but now that im back im suddenly at a lost of what to blog. so ironic rite(: hmm.. oh!! today after physics i went out wif shuna shara to go watch movie. death note. it's realli realli nice la. and it's in jap!! and i can actually understand part of what they were saying.. hurray!! anyway, the movie is like suspense, and the plot is realli realli well planned out. like everything falls into place. aiya, anyway those folks out there who nvr watch must go and watch la. but there's one realli realli realli irritating about it, THERE IS A SEQUEL!! in other words, there's no ending to the show. then they nvr found out who the bad person is. and the worse thing is that we hafta wait until next yr!! i know suspense is gd, but.. sigh.. i guess i will just hafta be patient.

oh, and i haf this obession with gong now. caijing and xin make the show so interesting. at first i like lu one lor, but then he's becoming so irritating. although he is quite shuai and everything. i hate it when he tiao3 bo1 li2 jian1 between caijing and xin. hhmph. and shuna tells me it is gg to get worse in the later part of the show. sigh sigh sigh... i wanna go buy the vcd alr la.

ok. shall go and enjoy life alr. hehe(: will blog again when i think of something to blog about((:
Monday, October 02, 2006

My long weekend is over.. again. For pple who dun noe, rgs had hol today bcos of some award thingy. haha(: who cares what the hol is for as long as there is hol?!?! :D anyway, i rested and sort of slacked on sat and sun, after my horrible 2 weeks. Then today i was extremely hardworking ok? haha. i woke up at like 9 and i started straight away with doing the posters for cantata. i was extremely proud of them. haha. i spent like the whole morn designing like 6 posters ok? and i thought they were nice, given my limited photoshop skills. but tmrw i still hafta stay with the rest of the publicity comm. although i think 6 posters are enough alr, alicia says i shud get them to do some stuff if not it's like im doing all the work. actually they were supposed to send me their posters on sat lor. but all the excuses came in instead. like i dunno how to download photoshop, i cannot download photoshop, i dunno how to use photoshop, no time.. actually i alr decided to just do it for them, since i alr waited so long, but since alicia says so.. i will hafta stay back with them and supervise them tmrw. at least get them to do a poster each. ok la. all my efforts will be worth it la. for the cantata mah. hahaha(:

oh. then after that i started to plan my eoy schedule. i typed out all the topics tested for all the subjects then printed out some notes. then i started reading through physics. actually when i read the tb the topics all seem quite easy, but dunno why when the test come i cant seem to do the questions. ahaha. realli lor. the 2 physics test i had earlier this year were all not very gd. my gpa for physics mid year was below median leh. sigh. must buck up. last yr physics was the easiest science subject lor. dunno y this yr bcome so difficult.

then at nite i did all my hmk. and copied all my bio notes into my logbook. ya. then i watched shao gong and watching wanyu now. renfu's finally back!!! yayy!!!