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Friday, September 29, 2006

YAYY!! joy to the world.. i finally got through my "2-week horror". byebye pts, byebye geog test, byebye jap eoy. yayy!! i haf sacrificed too many brain cells over the last 2 weeks, so i haf decided to allow them to recuperate this weekend. and im gonna catch on all the tv shows i haf been deprived of. qiang wei zhi lian and wei xiao pasta.

todays jap eoy was...not good. the listening compre was bad, the reading compre was bad, grammar was bad, basically the whole paper was bad except adverbs and kanji. sigh.. very sad, study so hard in the end liddat. but at least it is OVER!! no more jap test for the rest of the year(: realli feel like giving up jap alr lor. the past few days cramming jap has made me realised that im realli tired alr. when the rest of the class is rejoicing after geog test on wed i still hafta slog for jap. all the structures and kanji really tiring me out. although i enjoy learning, but tests really make me feel rather sick of the subject. sigh. at least i will haf the rest of the year to think about my jap future. lolx(:

after saying byebye to the pts and jap eoy, i will soon hafta say hello to the eoys. i think the 3 sciences are enough to kill me. six topics each. on top of math and geog and ss. countdown 2 wks to eoys. countdown 3 wks to freedom. im gonna rest for like 2 days, do wadeva i like then i will start on the horrigible studying and continue killing brain cells. gd luck to me and the rest of the pple taking eoys soon.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Ok.. i know i haven blogged for quite a long time. BUT I FINALLY CONQUERED ALL MY PTS FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR!!! HURRAY!! actually i shudnt be blogging now. im supposed to be studying for a geog test tmrw as well as my jap eoy on fri. but i really wanna take a breather from all these skoolwork. im really tired liao. it's like this wk and the whole of last i haf been sleeping no earlier than 12 plus. and i spent the entire weekend last weekend finishing my ss pt. and im serious. THE ENTIRE WEEKEND. i did nothing else la. i dunno why i took that long oso.

okok. i guess i will hafta go back to my weathering. physical and chemical weathering. sigh..
Thursday, September 14, 2006

today was an ok day i guess. though it was a long and tiring day as usual. lessons were ok, just that by the end of the day i was feeling so tired that i couldnt listen anymore. sorry mr ng!! (had math last block) first block was physics prac. did some experiment with lenses. it was quite fun i guess, shining the light and seeing the image forming. and i oso saw it for myself how glasses actually correct my short-sightedness. ahaha(: had english after that. did comprehension. and it was the most difficult comprehension i have ever done in my whole entire life. the passage didnt make sense (some parts) and answers to the questions cannot be found. then bio. i like bio(: we watched a video today. on the different relationships in an ecosystem. then they show how killer whales beach to capture seals. the seals were so cute la! i cant believe the whales can bear to eat them. and i think the whales are so cruel. instead of eating the seal like straight after they catch it, they hold it in their mouths and fling it about la. like they are showing off to their fellow whales. hhmph. and parasites part was disgusting. esp the tape worms part. i cant believe tape worm can get into the human body as well. i shall refrain from eating beef starting from today. mr lim says uncooked beef will most prob haf tape worms. then had chi. chi was ok. nothing much. then after lunch we had geog. got back my previous geog test paper. sigh. dun wanna tok about it. then while some people were negotiating with ms foo for more marks, me and leong were trying to finish all the quick checks in the map reading bk ms foo assigned. i realised that 80% of the map reading skills i learnt from sec 1 had escaped from my brain. as usual. then when we victoriously finished, we realised there were more questions we had to complete other than the quick checks. a lot more. how cruel can ms foo be?!?! then last block was math. as mentioned earlier, i wasnt listening. so ya. i only have a vague recollection of something about solving something using long division or inspection or ... cant rmb the last one. oh wells.

ok. i just realised that I REALLY HAF A LOT TO DO!!! i shall officially list them all down and hope to narrow down the list.
1) everyday homework
2) physics pt
3) chem pt
4) heralds workplan proposal
5) cantata publicity invitation cards
6) cantata programme booklet
7) cantata posters
8) lsl blog
9) ss pt
10) geog test
11) jap eoy

and the list goes on...

singapore idol. jasmine eliminated. i kinda expected that la. actually i dun haf a particular favourite for this season. i preferred last season. dunno why. prob the 1st is always the best. but if u ask me, the final two is sort of similar to the final two last year. jon reminds me of sly, and hady reminds me of taufik((:
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

just realised that i haven blogged for more than a week. sigh. hols are just gone like that. i dun even know exactly what i spent the hols doing la. it's quite funny. i only rmb going out a few times, falling sick, staring at my hmk and pts and pondering on whether to start them, watching youtube and tv.. looking forward to dec hols. that's what i call hols. no hmk, no pts, no stress(:

school is rather tiring and stressful nowadays. term 4. expected. i haf 3 pts to complete and guess what? i haven even really started on any. super rite? and 2 are due next week, 1 due next next week. i will hafta slog like a cow this weekend. still haf gb stuff to settle. cantata publicity stuff and heralds workplan stuff. plus lsl. ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! i really need a stress reliever now. just completed the math test today. graphs. i was ok i guess. hope didnt make any careless mistakes. shouldnt think about it now. it's over anyway(:

oh. then i had to go for this moe survey thingo today. i wont call it a survey lor. as in i had to complete this math paper. lasted for 1h 40 min i think. killed more than half of my brain cells. bcos today alr sacrificed a quarter of my brain cells on the math test alr. so there wasnt much left for the survey. and the survey thing was not easy lor. although it was like the format of a p6 math paper, i thought it was really difficult. they tested on topics like similarity and congruency, stem and leaf, proportion, blablabla.. all of which has sort of escaped from my brain. as in i realli forgot how to solve. and to think topics like similarity and congruency i only learnt it last yr. i think by the time i go jc, i would haf forgotten what i learnt in rgs. aiya. but cannot blame me. my brain is only that small and can only contain that amount of knowledge. with so much more new knowledge trying to force their way into my brain, i would hafta sacrifice some of the old knowledge to make space. haha :D and after "completing" the paper(left some questions blank bcos i didnt know how to do), i could feel all the tiredness setting in. my brain just suddenly felt so tired. it's not like i haf nvr done this kind of paper b4. it's almost like p6 math paper, just that the topics tested are sec 1 and sec 2. and there were only 41 questions (MCQ and open-ended) compared to the 50 questions in p6 math paper. and i nvr felt that tired when i did it in p6. sigh. my brain's getting old..

sigh. the past few days haf been really tiring. as in i reach home quite late, then by the time i reach home all the energy has been drained from my body, and i just dun haf the jing1 shen2 to do anything else. like mon. reached home at 7. had to finish hmk. at first i wanted to study for math test oso, but i was just too tired and there wasnt enough time. then yesterday i skipped jap class to come home to do last minute studying. then today haf the moe survey thing. come home still must prac piano and finish hmk.

and i just realised this entry is kinda long. shud stop now. sigh. wish me luck for the rest of the days to come and help me survive till until eoys<3
Monday, September 04, 2006

sick. sigh.. why must i fall sick in the hols? then i cant like go out or do stuff that i like to do. there's only one good thing about this. i haf an excuse not to start on my work(: haha. past 2 days haf been really "lazy". just lying around watching tv. thanks to my runny nose, MIA voice and boiling forehead. it has been rather boring bcos i seemed to haf lost interest in local tv programmes. as in last time i could sit through all the dramas on channel 8 from 7 to 10, but now i just seem to lose concentration while watching. i guess taiwan dramas are more appealing to me now. currently following tokyo juliet and smile pasta on youtube. but can only watch one episode a wk bcos that's the rate the person's uploading and the rate taiwan is broadcasting. so now im just like disintegrating at home. can something come along and brighten up my dull and boring hols?!?! even wanyu is not interesting anymore, thanks to shuang pang. only shaogong is as funny as ever. sigh. i guess i shud just go start on my pts soon.
Saturday, September 02, 2006

already the 4th day of my hols (counting thurs as a hol)... haven done ANY of my pts and hmk. i know that's just wrong, but i really cant bring myself to start. on top of the fact that im now down with a really bad cold and my voice just sort of escaped from my throat. why must i fall sick in the hols? sigh...

went out with qianhui yesterday(: went to kbox (that was b4 i lost my voice), took neoprints, walked around heeren and orchard. i guess time just passes really fast when u are having fun. all we did in the afternoon was just walking around and talking about stuff and b4 i knew it it was alr 6 plus.

feeling quite bored now. i need to do my chi compo by tmrw, but i haf just decided to finish it tonite(: waiting for the person to upload tokyo juliet on youtube(:
Friday, September 01, 2006

decided to blog now. actually wanted to blog last nite, but was too tired. i like fell asleep on the sofa :D

yesterday we had tcher's day celebrations!! haha... and our skit went super well la!! the whole hall was laughing at every single joke. even my friends said that it was the best performance!! yayy!! all our effort didnt go to waste(: GO BATCH '07!!!

after celebrations i went back to hws(: i saw super a lot of pple that i haven seen for a super long time. like some 6a boys, wee peng, yin hong, bel, stella(: then oso talked to some tchers, like guolaoshi, ms koh, ms kwan(: realli hope i can see all these pple again soon. p6 year was like one of the best years of my entire life :D after toking to the tchers then we went to bugis for lunch. then we went to watch "the devil wears prada". yesterday was a really great day(: i think tchers day is the only day i can get see so many pple. hope a gathering will be organised this year like last year. and hope more pple will turn up(: